
Viser opslag fra december, 2020


  My dear country, a country I have not seen in 26 years .. A country I can not recognize and does not look like the country I knew once.. a country without a future .. you never know when you are bought or sold .. you have no security and therefore you can not trust anything or anyone .. a beautiful country with mountains and ancient monomers with a regime based on an idiology .. a regime that only values ​​its own people and does not care about the rest of the population ... a regime that does not respect human rights conventions .. a regime based on hatred and revenge .. a country that would once be like japan ... a dream that never became anything ...


  If they like you then it is because you are dark and if they do not like you then it is again because you are dark ... They talk about democracy but violate the constitution and pass undemocratic laws. as a refugees you have to get used to hearing the negtive remarks about refugees in newspapers and on television every single day. the discrimination is so high that you change your name and surname and region to suit society. You must constantly prove that you are a good refugees by distancing yourself from the criminals and doing good things not as a human being or a citizen of society but as a refugees because you are a stranger . They call their totalitarian for democracy while you are not locked into discos and other public places because you are a stranger .They call it security reasons and they exclude you from everything .. ... You are doomed to a life of exile and discrimination because you are dark and are stranger .. however, there is also friendly citizen/d


Maximum4you(MX4U) is a brand designed by Arvin Niknia in 2019 ...

Cyrus Niknia

  Cyrus Niknia born (Nematullah Abdollahi) in 1937 was an Iranian imperial colonel under the last king of Iran Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi (1941-1979) At the beginning of his career, Iran was a weakened country where he as officers was stationed for several years at the border. After the coup plotters killed the last Iraqi king, the situation in Iraq was very unstable and Iranian borders were attacked by Iraqi planes often. This continued until the Shah bought some fighter jets from the United States which enabled Iran to guard its borders.   THE REVOLUTION THAT CHANCE EVERYTHING By the late 1970s, Iran had become the strongest country in the Middle East. This was a great management. Thanks to the high rise in oil prices and the Shah's ambition to modernize Iran. In the book (The rise and fall of the Middle East), Arvin Niknia, the son of Cyrus Niknia, describes how it all turned into chaos. Cyrus Niknia was in the Imperial gurd's dinner room when a rebellious soldier who had jo

Arvin Niknia

  . BEGINNINGS Born 12/08/1983 in Tehran,Iran to a iranian mother and father Cyrus Niknia “Arvin Niknia” had humble beginnings. After the collaps of the last King of Iran and after the iran-iraq war his parents immigrate to Denmark where Arvin spent most of his youth developing a love for bodybuilding and studing. With the limited resources and opportunities provided to any farsi speaking kid with a passion for bodybuilding .Arvin stayed persistent and pushed for his dreams on the conditional rules set by his parents to finish his studies on the way. Working hard                   OPENED THE DOOR When Arvin finished high school, he had many opportunities. The financial crisis across Europe in 2004 had made everyone look down on education, and many would rather work. The negative mood and his unemployed engineering brother as an enemy image made him prioritize work over an education, but he never let go of an education. While working hard and studying to become a financial economist, he